Sunday, February 1, 2009

what a waste of punctuation

I had this dream the other night that I was recruited onto this pro snowboarding team and I could do all these sweet back flips and stuff. So lately I've been trying to actually jump big jumps! Despite the fact that I still don't have full range of motion in my shoulder from the last time I tried that. Oh well, it happens I guess. It's a really good feeling when I land those big jumps, though.

I've decided some things for certain in the past few days, too..maybe they're more like goals of mine..which is good. This is the first time I've ever had goals:
1. I'm going to write a book. I'm not sure what exactly it will be about or when it will happen..but I'm going to write one.
2. I'm going to be a science teacher. High school or middle school. Preferably astronomy, but general science would be good, too.
3. I will get at least a 2.5 gpa this semester.
4. I'm going to join the air guard after this semester and do something sciencey. or just services. I'm still thinking.
5. Before Bud retires from jumping he's going to successfully complete a training level event. Also, I'm gonna pass my C2 rating this year. Hopefully HB/C+ the next. =( I wish he would just live forever. I really don't want another horse.
6. I'm going to be an overall better person and not be so down all the time. Spring is coming so I'm gonna start completely new! As fucking gay as that sounds..whatever.

I miss my sister.


Jess Cana said...

just so you know, ginny, I like reading your blog. good luck on your goals and i wish i could go snow boarding every day. sadly, i'm not very good.

ginny said...

aw <3 get good. it's nice to know someone actually reads it, ha