Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i hear them all i hear them all i hear them alllllllll

It's been far too long since something ouotrageous and unexpected has occured but now that it has I have something worthy of writing down. Or typing..up. Last night after a few hours of snowboarding the crew and I dragged ourselves to wing and pitcher night, with cactus pitcher at the ready. I was expecting a rather uneventful night seeing as how most of the usual crowd was not in attendance. After drinking, sitting, and chatting for about an hour, Doug, myself, John P, Court, Vu, Joey and Jake take our places at the bar or close enough to it..and Doug and I take turns buying each other drinks..which I think a Washington Apple is my new favorite shot..and watching the random, ridiculous people loitering all over the basement of Tony's. After about 10 minutes we are soon joined by a very drunken 40 something (2 or 3 in his own words) guy who thinks we are just God's gift to the Earth. He spent about 25 minutes trying to convince us he was poverty stricken but that I needed to have his scarf..and that we needed to find him on facebook. I wish I got his name.. Then he dropped $30 on drinks for me, Doug and John. Sucks ya know? And I'm sure he regretted his decision this morning. Another night of snowboarding followed today, and now drinking at Doug's. Luckily my one class isn't until 2 tomorrow and it's a simple English class.

I'm still hoping to find some wild plans for this weekend. Or something new at least. I'm tired of having a non exciting I'll get back to you on that. Oh! And I'm trying to book a sweet weeklong vacay in this timeshare mess. Being 21 has so many booking my parents' timeshare for reaal cheap.

I'm convinced that Yuengling, class, snowboarding, and my sister will be what saves me.

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