Monday, February 23, 2009

celluloid tendencies

Spring isn't here yet so I can still add to my reform list. I wish things could just settle down so I could keep a solid set of plans. They're always changing. They'll probably change again..but when will people change? I think it takes people a lot longer to change than plans. But people are around longer than a simple set of plans..and anything worth the effort requires lots and lots of work! Right? Yeah whatever.

I'm gonna stop taking adderall, too. I realized tonight I have had too many ridiculous mood swings and I hate the way I feel when it wears off. What do I really do differently on it that I didn't before? Other than not eat. I've been SO happy lately..because I stopped consistently taking that medicine for the last two weeks..and the days I do take it it randomly has no affect or an intense'd just rather stay off of it and not be weird.

These fucking balloons still have not's kind of pissing me off b/c every time I walk under one the string grabs my hair and clings to it or gets stuck in whatever jacket or sweatshirt I'm wearing. On the other hand I went to Florida this weekend and it was so much fun, but really depressing to have to come back here. Everything is green and warm and pretty there but it's all cold and dead here. Being on an airplane made me feel so small and insignificant. I hate those also made me feel like there is so much more to think about than all the little bullshit drama and shit as well..It really makes me want to be an astronaut though.

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