Sunday, January 18, 2009

history's repeating

I just spilled a bowl of really fucking hot vegetable soup all on my lap..and I'm not wearing any pants. What the fuck..where did the spoon go..found it. Ugh. So anyway, last Tuesday was my first getting drunk in a bar experience. It was really awesome minus the falling off my bar stool three times, belligerently accepting dares from Courtney for free drinks, nearly over drafting my checking account, and the whole smelling like an ash tray thing is never fun. But really, it was awesome.

There's a lot of douchebags in my history class, which figures. But the first class we just talked about catastrophic natural disasters and diseases and how history repeats itself and all these awful things are gonna happen again. Huge, ridiculous, catastrophic natural disasters happen to be one of my biggest fears. Because they're inevitable and unpredictable. It's alright though I was starting to run out of things to worry about..

I ended up not going to Morgantown, but I felt shitty all day Friday anyway..I feel like I have the flu for about a day and then I feel fine. Oh well. Morgantown's not as exciting as it used to be..and by used to be I mean when I had never been there before. Missing out on Morgantown meant I got to go to Timonium, MD on Saturday for the horse expo..annnnd I got a new helmet, new boots for Bud, and some $150 hyolauric(sp?) acid supplements for him as well. So yay for that.

Now I have to go change what little I am wearing and head off to a Pre-Inauguration Party and do my share of havoc wreaking for the night.

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