Monday, June 1, 2009


Last night I dreamt that I was walking through a really shallow, muddy stream at night and there were a lot of trees and underbrush on the sides that were kind of hitting me in the face as I was walking through the water. I was carrying a flashlight which was the only way I could see and I was crying for some reason. I'm not sure where I was going or what I was looking for, but I heard a strange sound come from one of the trees and without thinking I screamed and immediately turned and ran the opposite direction. Then I sort of woke up and shuffled around and fell back asleep.

I had a second dream where me and one of my friends were at a river and there was some kind of military survival training going on and all these guys I went to high school with were living in canoes on the edge of the river. Some of them were living in canvas tents on top of rafts. We just walked around and looked at them all and none of them really noticed we were there. That was was pretty weird.

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