Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Party on

So last night at Tony's I'm sitting enjoying a beer when Courtney comes up to me and angrily says she has to leave because they're kicking her out for pushing an ash tray onto the floor. I would've left with her but I was sitting watching Collin's bag and pitcher of beer so I waited around for him to come back downstairs. It had been like a half hour and I was beginning to wonder if he was just not coming back when he comes running downstairs and says, "Hey uh, Courtney just went through the front window she probably needs to go to the hospital"

At this point two main thoughts are going through my head haha...either 1) He's completely joking and something weird is going on upstairs or 2) Courtney fell through the window because she was so drunk. Well I get upstairs and run outside and she is sitting on a step screaming while her neighbor and another dude are holding towels on her leg, which was bleeding pretty badly but I couldn't really tell. Anyway, an ambulance comes and we get to City Hospital and get her leg stitched up after about 3 hours of waiting around. Apparently, she was pissed and kicked through the window, how she did this I have NO idea, I thought front windows on buildings were pretty thick..but judging by the gash on the back of her leg I guess it was. We'll see how quick they are to kick out another pissed off drunk girl again...


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Tony's will continue to kick out drunk girls. It's a bar and it's not the first time the front window there has been broken. So sorry, Courtney was no martyr in this situation, in fact, she should be embarrassed to show her face in Shepherdstown again.

sara h. said...

"snooz", i really don't understand where your hostility comes from. not only do you no longer live in shepherdstown, but don't you think you're a bit old to be involving yourself in such petty behavior? i was always under the impression that the older we got, the less trivial nonsense affected our lives. i suppose there are those who can always prove us wrong, though. if you have your opinions on the situation, feel free to think as you wish. but, really, don't waste you're time being a bitch behind a computer screen. because quite frankly, no one cares that you feel that way..

lisa said...

Suzie is better than everyone else in this world and has never made a mistake nor has she ever gotten drunk. So, Sara you probably shouldn't say anything because she's allowed to judge people.